【重要】 SABIC沙伯基础创新塑料(上海)有限公司更名通知Dear Valued Customer: 尊敬的客户: We are writing to inform you that the name of our company has been officially changed from“SABIC Innovative Plastics (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd."to" SHPP(Shanghai)Co., Ltd."(“New Name "We have secured the updated Business License setting out the New Name of the company .Acopy of the updated Business License is attached here to as Appendix 1 . 我们特此通知您,我司名称已正式从“沙伯基础创新塑料(上海)有限公司 "变更为"特创工程塑料( 上海)有限公司”(“新名称 ”),我司已经获得规定有新名称的新营业执照。新营业执照的复印件请见本函附件一。 1. Henceforth,all external documents of the company,such as contracts and purchase orders, will use the New Name. The company 's updated bank account and tax information is attached here to as Appendix II. 此后,公司所有合同、采购订单等文件将使用公司新名称。公司更名后的银行账号和税务信息详见本函附件二。 2. All contracts concluded by the company previously should continue to be valid and binding on the Company after the name change,and business relationship and rights and obligations under such contracts should remain unchanged . 公司原签订的合同应在更名后继续有效且对公司具有约束力,合同项下原有的业务关系和权利义务保持不变。 3. Starting from November 11,2020 , you may use the New Name to issue purchase orders and make payments to the company 自2020年11 月11日起,贵司将可以使用新名称向我司下单和付款。 If you have any question regarding this letter,please reach out to your account representative . 如您对本函有任何疑问,敬请联系您的业务代表。 |